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2002 Gulf Coast Scratch Tour

Player of the Year Points Standings and Individual Statistics
Through 5 of 17 Events

Rank Player Tnys Points Scoring
Putts Per
Green Hit
In Reg.
1. Derek Rogers 5 219.50 74.20 68.8% 57.8% 29.90 1.865 3-8 37.5%
2. Victor Kyatt 3 190.00 72.67 68.3% 58.3% 29.00 1.778 2-7 28.6%
3. Gary Mousaw 5 182.00 74.60 58.0% 58.3% 29.50 1.762 3-4 75.0%
4. Ivan Brannan 4 173.00 74.25 58.2% 54.2% 29.88 1.846 5-12 41.7%
5. Jeff Cummings 5 171.50 74.90 59.4% 58.3% 29.90 1.819 4-12 33.3%
6. Tom Hayes 5 160.00 75.10 74.6% 53.9% 29.60 1.876 4-11 36.4%
7. Don Bland 5 123.50 76.80 70.3% 52.2% 29.00 1.830 3-9 33.3%
8. Chris Myers 5 120.50 76.40 59.4% 57.8% 30.20 1.798 5-9 55.6%
9. Richard Maddox 4 118.50 75.75 48.2% 49.3% 28.75 1.761 4-8 50.0%
10. Jim Kemp 4 106.00 75.00 57.3% 47.9% 28.00 1.754 5-12 41.7%
11. Bobby Norman 5 97.00 78.40 68.1% 38.3% 27.40 1.826 7-11 63.6%
12. Allan Kyzar 3 92.50 75.17 52.4% 54.6% 29.83 1.831 1-3 33.3%
13. Erin Sharkey 5 80.00 78.40 55.1% 45.6% 30.60 1.963 4-8 50.0%
14. Bob Lasko 3 56.50 77.67 62.2% 43.5% 29.17 1.830 5-13 38.5%
15. Keith Cone 2 50.00 75.00 66.1% 52.8% 30.00 1.921 1-4 25.0%
16. Billy Graham 2 48.50 75.75 79.6% 55.6% 30.50 1.775 0-0 0.0%
17. Eric Farrior 3 48.50 76.40 58.6% 46.7% 29.80 1.881 3-9 33.3%
18. Jim Prim 2 46.00 76.50 64.8% 59.7% 33.50 2.047 2-4 50.0%
19. Collin McCrary 2 45.00 75.50 57.1% 59.7% 30.50 1.837 2-3 66.7%
20. Scott Blank 3 44.00 78.83 60.7% 50.0% 31.33 1.852 2-7 28.6%
21. Glenn Partrick 5 43.58 80.50 50.7% 36.7% 29.60 1.955 4-15 26.7%
22. Mark Sorel 5 43.17 80.20 51.4% 38.3% 30.20 1.986 7-11 63.6%
23. Steve Guttmann 2 36.50 75.75 53.6% 34.7% 27.25 1.880 3-6 50.0%
24. Rob Maddox 1 35.50 76.00 53.6% 50.0% 27.50 1.667 0-4 0.0%
25. Mark Cowart 4 35.00 81.50 70.0% 34.0% 30.75 1.980 3-15 20.0%
26. Junior Ingram 2 34.00 77.25 72.2% 52.8% 31.25 2.000 0-1 0.0%
27. Daryl Auerbach 2 33.00 78.00 48.2% 40.3% 29.25 1.862 2-8 25.0%
  Terry Herring 2 33.00 80.00 55.6% 51.4% 33.00 1.919 1-1 100.0%
29. Wayne Hood 4 32.50 81.00 47.3% 38.9% 30.75 1.982 3-10 30.0%
30. Brooks Holliday 2 30.00 77.25 60.7% 61.1% 32.75 2.068 1-3 33.3%
  Steve Mobley 3 30.00 81.50 51.2% 29.6% 28.33 1.969 0-5 0.0%
32. Ryan Davis 2 29.50 76.75 51.8% 47.2% 29.50 1.794 2-4 50.0%
33. Scott Lamoreaux 2 27.00 78.00 57.4% 50.0% 31.00 1.889 1-1 100.0%
34. Brad Palmerton 5 26.50 82.40 54.3% 36.1% 30.50 1.954 3-9 33.3%
35. Danny Stout 2 26.17 78.25 50.0% 41.7% 30.25 1.767 2-5 40.0%
36. Steve Bersch 5 24.75 81.70 44.9% 28.9% 28.40 2.096 4-15 26.7%
37. Clay Collins 3 24.00 79.00 46.3% 45.8% 29.25 2.000 1-1 100.0%
38. Toggy Pace 4 22.67 81.25 52.7% 39.6% 30.50 2.018 4-7 57.1%
39. Mike Taras 2 22.50 79.00 55.4% 37.5% 30.50 2.111 0-8 0.0%
40. Shane Burkett 4 22.17 81.25 51.8% 47.2% 32.75 1.985 0-5 0.0%
41. Scott Hall 2 21.00 78.00 60.7% 51.4% 32.75 2.027 2-3 66.7%
42. Bob Slye 3 20.50 82.33 45.1% 33.3% 28.00 1.833 0-3 0.0%
  Randall Griner 5 20.50 82.60 47.1% 38.3% 30.90 1.986 2-17 11.8%
44. Justin Robbins 3 20.00 81.50 41.7% 40.7% 32.33 1.886 0-3 0.0%
  Jacan Dossett 3 20.00 83.67 47.6% 40.7% 31.50 2.045 3-5 60.0%
46. Jason Moulton 1 18.50 76.50 60.7% 52.8% 33.00 2.105 0-1 0.0%
47. Gary Settle 2 17.50 81.50 62.5% 44.4% 32.75 2.125 1-1 100.0%
48. Jason Van Gennep 1 16.00 82.50 60.7% 41.7% 32.50 2.000 0-1 0.0%
49. Robert Green 3 14.50 81.00 60.7% 40.7% 31.83 1.909 3-5 60.0%
50. David Josephs 3 13.00 80.67 46.4% 37.0% 30.17 1.950 2-7 28.6%
51. Chan Spivey 1 12.50 83.50 71.4% 47.2% 31.50 2.000 2-3 66.7%
52. Gary Mooneyham 3 10.50 81.67 50.0% 40.7% 32.33 2.114 4-11 36.4%
53. Rodney Andrews 5 10.00 84.10 48.6% 24.4% 29.30 2.159 4-9 44.4%
54. Tom Eafrati 2 9.50 81.50 41.1% 34.7% 28.50 1.920 2-4 50.0%
55. Jay Hancock 1 9.00 84.50 60.7% 30.6% 31.50 1.909 0-0 0.0%
56. Pat McCallister 3 8.67 84.33 59.5% 27.8% 30.50 1.933 3-6 50.0%
57. Ben Garrett 4 8.00 83.63 47.3% 32.6% 31.38 2.000 2-12 16.7%
58. Steve Hecht 3 7.50 82.50 58.3% 37.0% 31.50 2.050 0-7 0.0%
59. Curt Dorsey 3 7.00 82.17 54.8% 35.2% 31.83 2.079 3-9 33.3%
60. Michael LeBlanc 1 6.50 79.00 82.1% 58.3% 34.00 2.143 0-1 0.0%
61. Ralph Campbell 1 6.00 80.50 34.6% 36.1% 28.50 2.000 2-4 50.0%
  Jimmy Burgess 1 6.00 80.50 38.5% 25.0% 30.00 2.000 1-1 100.0%
63. Scott Fell 3 5.33 84.50 62.2% 23.1% 28.33 1.840 6-10 60.0%
64. Bill Burgess 3 4.50 84.67 48.8% 31.5% 31.17 2.000 1-12 8.3%
65. George Biddle 4 4.42 83.25 49.1% 38.9% 33.50 2.196 1-9 11.1%
66. Brad Gutnik 3 4.08 81.50 50.0% 40.7% 32.17 1.932 0-5 0.0%
67. Lance Youngblood 4 4.00 86.25 39.1% 38.2% 35.00 2.182 1-10 10.0%
  Brad Trawick 4 4.00 86.38 40.0% 27.8% 32.25 2.125 2-8 25.0%
  Duane Timmons 4 4.00 92.25 34.5% 16.0% 31.00 1.870 3-13 23.1%
  Greg Koprowitz 4 4.00 93.75 39.1% 18.8% 31.63 2.074 0-8 0.0%
  Steve Butler 4 4.00 96.00 49.1% 17.4% 33.25 2.320 0-9 0.0%
  William Haynes 4 4.00 99.25 30.9% 16.0% 32.00 2.130 3-26 11.5%
  Casey Ryan 4 4.00 100.63 35.7% 13.9% 33.25 2.200 4-14 28.6%
74. Jase Graves 3 3.00 82.00 41.7% 33.3% 30.33 2.028 3-10 30.0%
  William Fisher 3 3.00 87.00 50.0% 9.3% 26.50 1.900 2-11 18.2%
  Randy Garmony 3 3.00 87.17 43.9% 13.0% 29.00 1.929 6-14 42.9%
  Colby Peel 3 3.00 88.50 40.5% 33.3% 32.83 2.278 2-11 18.2%
  Brad Prescott 3 3.00 89.00 44.0% 25.9% 32.33 2.143 3-12 25.0%
  Daniel Woodward 3 3.00 89.33 50.0% 13.9% 29.17 2.000 3-10 30.0%
  Craig Zaccaro 3 3.00 90.83 52.4% 24.1% 32.67 2.077 3-12 25.0%
  Roger Doss 3 3.00 92.50 34.5% 16.7% 32.50 2.056 0-10 0.0%
  Daniel Kekipi 3 3.00 96.50 40.5% 15.7% 33.17 2.353 0-9 0.0%
  Jerry Gouveia 3 3.00 103.50 26.8% 6.5% 32.83 2.143 1-3 33.3%
84. Clay Carter 2 2.25 85.25 51.8% 37.5% 31.75 2.037 1-5 20.0%
85. Danny Cobb 2 2.00 82.25 58.9% 37.5% 31.75 2.074 0-4 0.0%
  Chris Paul 2 2.00 83.25 19.6% 18.1% 28.00 1.923 1-4 25.0%
  Ken Peterson 2 2.00 85.25 46.4% 23.6% 31.25 2.000 0-7 0.0%
  Peach Waller 2 2.00 86.25 51.8% 20.8% 32.50 2.000 1-12 8.3%
  Brian Mahoney 2 2.00 86.25 37.5% 29.2% 29.00 2.000 0-4 0.0%
  Scott Collie 2 2.00 86.75 39.3% 25.0% 30.75 2.222 1-3 33.3%
  Bennett Sutton 2 2.00 87.50 32.1% 30.6% 32.50 2.136 0-0 0.0%
  Mike Pledger 2 2.00 87.50 44.6% 25.0% 32.25 2.000 2-4 50.0%
  Curt Lindner 2 2.00 87.75 37.5% 19.4% 30.25 2.143 3-8 37.5%
  Mike Manthey 2 2.00 91.50 25.0% 25.0% 30.25 1.944 1-3 33.3%
  Richard Gilmartin 2 2.00 91.50 46.4% 15.3% 31.75 2.091 2-6 33.3%
  Bill Boyd 2 2.00 91.75 55.4% 16.7% 32.25 2.250 0-3 0.0%
  David Frederick 2 2.00 92.75 37.5% 19.4% 30.50 1.857 0-12 0.0%
  Grant Smith 2 2.00 94.50 38.9% 12.5% 34.25 2.000 1-2 50.0%
  Hugh Rogers 2 2.00 95.25 37.0% 29.2% 35.25 2.095 0-3 0.0%
  Brian Callihoo 2 2.00 95.50 39.3% 13.9% 30.75 2.400 1-4 25.0%
  Wade Baker 2 2.00 95.75 44.6% 19.4% 34.75 2.357 0-8 0.0%
102. Bryant Layson 1 1.75 80.00 32.1% 33.3% 28.00 1.917 0-2 0.0%
103. Josh Rule 2 1.00 81.00 46.4% 33.3% 31.50 2.000 0-0 0.0%
  Lonnie O'Rear 1 1.00 82.00 50.0% 30.6% 31.00 1.818 0-1 0.0%
  Jonathan Rissman 1 1.00 83.00 46.4% 25.0% 30.50 2.222 1-2 50.0%
  Alex Maratta 1 1.00 83.00 57.1% 52.8% 35.50 2.211 0-1 0.0%
  Brandon Burg 2 1.00 83.00 47.6% 29.6% 28.33 1.813 2-3 66.7%
  Steve Skarda 1 1.00 84.50 32.1% 27.8% 30.50 1.900 2-4 50.0%
  Rick Mathis 1 1.00 85.00 42.9% 33.3% 31.50 2.000 0-2 0.0%
  Kevin Simkins 2 1.00 85.00 32.1% 36.1% 29.50 1.846 2-3 66.7%
  Jeff Godfrey 1 1.00 85.00 46.4% 19.4% 30.50 2.000 2-6 33.3%
  Jim Teel 2 1.00 85.33 35.7% 33.3% 29.00 1.833 0-3 0.0%
  Lance Larson 2 1.00 87.33 42.9% 20.8% 30.67 1.933 1-8 12.5%
  Eric Jacobson 1 1.00 87.50 64.3% 41.7% 34.00 2.200 2-6 33.3%
  Shawn Large 1 1.00 88.00 60.7% 36.1% 35.00 2.231 0-2 0.0%
  Michael Homas 2 1.00 92.00 42.9% 27.8% 32.67 2.067 1-4 25.0%
  Jeff Rock 2 1.00 92.67 42.9% 15.3% 34.33 2.000 0-0 0.0%
  Ken Kaneshiro 1 1.00 93.00 50.0% 25.0% 38.00 2.000 0-0 0.0%
  Chip Surber 1 1.00 97.00 32.1% 13.9% 33.00 2.000 1-4 25.0%
120. Will Grace 1 0.00 78.00 17.9% 25.0% 27.00 1.556 2-3 66.7%
  Mike Walsingham 1 0.00 80.00 50.0% 44.4% 31.00 1.750 0-1 0.0%
  Brian Macoy 1 0.00 86.00 35.7% 44.4% 33.00 2.000 0-0 0.0%
  Michael King 1 0.00 92.00 28.6% 50.0% 37.00 2.222 0-0 0.0%
  Rob Heikowsky 1 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.00 0.000 0-0 0.0%

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